Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Believe and rest

When we believe in something other people know this by our actions. For example if I have a favorite football team and I have faith to believe they are the best you will know by my conversation. If I can, I will attend the game or all, wear a shirt, or display a bumper sticker. When my team is not popular or the favorite of my friends and family that won't matter if I truly believe they are the best and worth my time money and support. Faith without works is dead James 2:26. What if I never watch a game, or talk about the team? What if I don't know the names of the players or their stats am I really interested in them? Maybe I have no clue as to who the coach or owner is or when and who they play next. Do I really have faith in them? It would seem I just like to say that's my favorite team. This is how I liken my belief in God the father, Christ Jesus the son and Holy spirit the comforter. There is nothing I can do physically on my own to earn my place in the kingdom of God. However, when I believe God's word, I will seek his face, study his ways, follow the example of Christ, and try to get as close to him as possible. My faith is in what I believe and what I believe will be evident in my life and how I treat and respond to people and life situations. Read James 2:18. I labor to believe and allow Christ to work in me and through me. He that began a good work in me is faithful to complete it. Read Philippians 1:6. My belief is where I find the Sabbath resting place. The place where I cease from trying to keep myself pure before God. When I stop and believe that Christ has taken my sins and he sits with God praying for me that's where that Sabbath place of rest lies. It is in whatever day I choose to believe. Read Hebrews 4:9-11.

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