Sunday, August 30, 2020


Jesus loves you, he cares about you, and he wants you to know him. He came to Earth, God's word wrapped in flesh(John 1:14), to do what we could not do; save us from our sins and give us a life of freedom(John 3:17), despite what it may look like. He is the way the truth and the life and you need to know him in order to reach the father(John 14:6). Here at Revelation ministries we aim to point you in that direction to give you a hunger to know who Jesus is for yourself because we can't save you but we can direct you to the saviour. We can't give you the power and encounter of the Holy Spirit but we can direct you to the one who left the holy spirit for our Comfort(John15:26). It's not about Fame, it's not about stuff or money, or how successful you can be on Earth. It's about knowing without a shadow of a doubt you have a place in God's Kingdom and not only that but you can live out his kingdom here on Earth through Jesus Christ our Saviour, the only name by which we can be saved(Acts4:12); from ourselves, from the ways of the world, from bondage in our minds, our hearts and our bodies. Jesus came to set us free(Galatians5:1) and if any man is in Christ he is a new creation(2Corinthians5:17) and if the son sets you free you are free indeed(John8:36). 

Every person wants to know who they are, what their purpose is, and why they were created. Why not return to the source to the Creator of heaven and earth. Find out who he is. Start there and he will reveal who you are in him. Ask God the Hard questions. Tell him you don't understand. Then give Him a chance to answer. Search his word, seek godly counsel from a child of God who's fruit you can see, the fruits of the Holy Spirit, good fruit( love, joy, peace, patient, faithful, gentle, kind And having self control) keep your distance from the bad fruit(anger, selfishness, hatred, confusion)(Galatians 5:13-26). No one is perfect but in Christ all things are made new. If Christ will do the separating and the gathering of those who truly want him surely he can change us to be more like him and less like the world. The choice is yours, life or death; Christ's way or the world (Satan), period. 

We are to live at peace with all men but by my self I fail. In Christ and him alone I am able to do all things when I allow him to strengthen me(Philippians 4:13). Be blessed and know if you confess your sins to Christ and desire change he will forgive you. Believe he is the son of God who died for you and you will be saved. Follow him and know him and your life will never be the same. We love you but God loves you best.

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