Monday, March 19, 2018

I pray for peace, for listening ears, and understanding. I pray for helping hands and compassion. I pray we will be emptied of ourselves and filled with the love of God which goes beyond what we alone can think or imagine. In Jesus Name, Amen.

It's time to listen. Listen- the act of giving attention to a sound. Often times I have been riding in my car and there arose a sound that either I wasn't familiar with or I wanted to know where it was coming from. Without fail I always turn the radio down and give as much of my attention, besides driving, to try and determine what is that sound. What is making that sound or what is causing it? My point is, I have to get quiet. This is where we are failing each other right now. We listen to fix not to understand. We want to change other people when we need a change within ourselves. How can we expect someone else to listen and change when we are not willing to do the same. Sometimes the problem is not that other person. Are we willing to change how we approach a situation? Do we try to understand what other people go through? Did you know how we treat people starts before we are born? Did you know we have the power to transform our mind? When will we stop talking so much and listen? I'm not speaking about the people on the news that we don't have direct access to, pray for them. Reach out to someone in the store, on your street, or in jail, someone you can have a face to face with. How about that person you turned your nose up to or labeled because of the way they look or dress. Maybe someone has a bad or sad look on their face. Reach out with the intent to understand what they are going through. How do they see themselves? Don't try to fix them or give them your opinion, just listen if they are willing to share. However don't be mad if they reject you, smile, wish them well, and keep it moving. It's not about you.

Listening can mean the life or death of a relationship. So it starts at home listening to our mom and dad, our children, our spouse and our friends. Please start some where. You don't have to agree with them or like what they say. It's about understanding, balance, and allowing other people to express themselves. Balance is a key word for relationships, but that's for another time. Until then, unity, peace, and love.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Good day, good people. My prayer for us today is that we turn from our selfish ways and embrace our brothers and sisters of the human race and love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Learn how to love ourselves so we can effectively love others. God bless and comfort the families that are mourning loved ones no longer with us. Strengthen them by the power of your might. In Jesus name, Amen.

I just want to leave you with a song that I have adopted as a theme. Check it out on Youtube, We all bleed the same featuring Mandisa, Toby Mac, and Kirt Franklin.
Unity peace and love. I love you and there is nothing you can do about it.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Good morning world. I pray for unity, peace, and love to cover you and keep you through your life's journey. May your eyes be open to the need for these three to work together for your good and the good of all people. In Jesus name, Amen.

Definitions: Unity/ united- the state of being JOINED as a WHOLE.
                     Peace- freedom from disturbance, mental calm, freedom from war or violence, freedom from civil disorder.
                     Love-  endurance, kindness, unselfish, honoring, respectful, reasonable, positive, hopeful, forgiving, and sharing. The act of giving more than you receive especially when it is not deserved.

Let's change the world's view of love. Real, genuine, restorative love is not a "feeling" you fall into and then out of when you lose the "feeling". Love is not something we do as long as people are "loving" us back. Love is not flippant, a word to be used lightly for the things that bring temporary satisfaction. Love is a choice we make, to show each others how to respond to injustice. Love is choosing to speak kind words when others attack with their words. Love is choosing to care for someone who doesn't even know my name. Love is listening, even when we think our way is the only right way. Love is looking past our skin tone and seeing the heartbeat. Love is choosing to walk away but hopeful that love ones will change for their own benefit. Love is choosing to stop pointing fingers and using our hands to help someone.

Who can we help today? See a need and fill that need. It doesn't have to be big. No one even has to know. We don't need to know the person we show up for. Just do something to show what love is. Let's work love like we are getting paid for it. Til next time, Unity, peace and love.                         

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Why I chose my profile picture.

Let me first start by saying, this blog is not about me. I happened to come across a random picture I snapped years ago and thought I would research the nature of a crane before I chose my profile picture (it's a little blurry which I hate but I will get a better one soon). In doing so, the information I read magnified the reason I am compelled to publish a blog. As it turns out cranes are the perfect example to the picture of coming together and knowing when to separate ourselves. The article will be posted but to further explain my selection and reasoning behind the blog I have to tell you what stuck out to me. Like, did you know Cranes are found on all continents but 2. Not only that, they co parent. They keep to themselves, as a couple, when its time to reproduce. Once that's over they come together in large groups for their collective safety. Read more if you need more insight til next time, Unity peace and love.