Thursday, December 17, 2020

Words matter

 Our nation, our world is in disarray due to constant, senseless violence. I often wonder how people can be so careless with their weapons, their guns. What we fail to realize is the same carelessness is coming from our very lips. We have the power to speak life and to speak death, Proverbs 18:21. A word, one word, can be just as deadly and dangerous as a bullet. It can leave someone in critical condition and even cause death. Though it may not be a physical death, but death to someone's soul, to their spirit, or to their well-being. So be mindful of what you're speaking. Do you have Grace upon your lips? Col 4:6 - Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man[KJV]. 
Jesus said he requires Mercy more than sacrifice. Find out what that means, Matthew 9:13. The life that you live is not just about you. If you are alive it is your responsibility to think of others, to love your neighbor as you love yourself,  Matthew 22:39. It is time for people and especially God's children, those who have chosen to follow Christ, those who have chosen to believe in Christ, it's time to do as He did. If he had chosen to be selfish we would be in a terrible state at this day and time because he would not have gotten on the cross. He chose to give up his will so that God's will could be done, Luke 22:42. What can you give up today that will allow someone else to flourish? 

Seek the kingdom of God. It's not enough just to say you believe because you can believe and then go on with your own selfish life, James 1:22-27. Oh, to take up your cross and follow Jesus requires action on our part. It requires us to be mindful of whether we're speaking life or speaking death. There are things we need to speak death to but get godly wisdom and in all your getting get understanding, to know God's will, Proverbs 4:7. B o B, Blessings on Blessings.