Thursday, September 2, 2021

Proverbs 12:12 (NIV)

The root of the righteous flourishes. Proverbs 12:12

When you think about the roots of a tree or a tree root they go in many different directions and they dig deeper to secure themselves or to secure the tree. A root doesn't just go straight down, nor is there just one root but the roots dig deeper and deeper to get the nourishment or the water and the foundation it needs to thrive. So when you think of this scripture 'the root of the righteous flourishes' understand that we that are righteous because we believe who Jesus is and we take God at his word; everything that flows from us, every gift that he's given us, every talent every area of our life flourishes. It may not look like it at this very moment but God is using it for his glory and to work for the good of those that love him according to his purpose.


The happenings in the world are scary, but we don't have to be afraid or fearful. The things we see are heartbreaking, but we don't have to be dismayed. It doesn't make us care less or numb but those that are in Christ know that we have a hope that keeps us. A hope thats keeps our heart, our mind and our spirit. We that have that hope have been tasked to share it with others so they too have the hope of glory in spite of the circumstances good or bad.
 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. John 16:33