We are not meant to take on the full weight of someone else's burdens, worries, problems, issues, or circumstances. We can barely bear our own weight in those areas. To take on other people's weight is crushing. We crumble under the weight of our own circumstances. This we can not do alone. Jesus said come unto me all that labor and are heavy laden and he will give us rest (Matthew 11:28-30). His word also says for us to Bear each other's burdens(Galatians 6:2), not to take it all but to help one another. Know your limits but also know to do it with him(Christ). Seek him first for your own loads and seek him first for other people's loads. In this we will know where we can help, or talk, know when to step back, and when to move out of the way so you are not crushed.
There's so much going on in the world around us. So much going on in our own personal lives. Jesus is standing there waiting with open arms for us to cry out to him so that we may be saved. No He may not eradicate all the issues but He will give you hope where things seem hopeless. He will give you peace in the chaos. He will restore your heart and your compassion toward others. Even when people are attacking you. We can have all this in Jesus Christ who gives us strength. He paid the price to lift our burdens, to save us from ourselves, and from the crushing weight of this world. Call on him today with a sincere heart. Call on him out of your tiredness, out of your weariness, and out of your own striving to do it all by yourself. We need Him- creator of heaven and Earth, God of All flesh. Nothing surprises him. You don't have to dress yourself up. You don't even have to put on a fake smile. Go to him in all your wellness, give all of your heart and all of your pain and all of your burdens, even in all of your joy. Go to Christ Jesus, he loves you on your darkest day and in your worst actions. He loved you before you took your first breath, hallelujah.
Go to The God who created the universe because he is able to make the universe bow to you. The power of life and death is in our tongue. Our words have power. Find out what God's word says and speak that into your life. Know him for yourself. He will change your life because he makes all things new. God bless you. We are praying for you. Blessings on blessings! C-ya